The Gods in the Jungle - home page

cover image for The Gods in the Jungle

The Gods in the Jungle

A Kalieda novel by Rik Roots

Hardcopy version - product details
Publisher: Rik's Sparky Little Printing Press
Printed and distributed by:
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
Publication Date: March 2010

Page Count: 365 pages
Size: U.S. Trade (6" by 9"; 15cm x 23cm)
Binding: Perfect Bound
Interior Color: Black And White

eBook version - product details
Publisher: Rik's Sparky Little Printing Press
Distributed by: Smashwords
Also available at other eBookstores such as the Apple iBookstore
ISBN 978-1-4523-0272-0

Available eBook reading formats:
Epub (open industry format)
Kindle (.mobi)
LRF (for Sony Reader)
Palm Doc (PDB)
Online reading (HTML and JavaScript)
Also available as a PDF and RTF file

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Book trailer

Author's note

This story tells of a time before the Balje Peoples escaped from the disasters that consumed the Vreski Empire over five centuries ago.

Some of the people I write of - such as the Story Keeper, the Burning Woman, the Horned Man and the Mother of Disasters - are well-known characters in other stories (I've chosen to give them different names here).

The rest of the characters I've mostly made up, having perhaps caught a glimpse of them in obscure documents hidden here and there - enough to inspire me to give them mouths and words.

The locations are real, or at least they existed five hundred years ago. Except for Louge, of course.

The barby rats are real, too; I can accept no liability for any damage or death arising should you attempt to approach a barby rat using anything written in this book.

It goes without saying that this story is not based on fact. Though given our scant knowledge of that dark period in our history, this is as good a guess of what really happened as any other ...

Copyright © 2010 Rik Roots. All rights reserved. Published in 2010 without an ISBN.