The Gevey lexicon

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To show a list of Gevey words with their Ramajal translations, use the quick links at the top of this page. You can list all object words, or all action, modifier or structural words, or even list the entire lexicon. Alternatively, use the alphabet links to list only those Gevey words starting with that letter. Clicking the 'help' link will return you to this text.

The advanced search feature offers two types of searches. Use the Gevey word search box to track down a particular word or group of words. Or of you need the Gevey translation for a Ramajal word, use the Ramajal translation box. These searches are case sensitive!

Note that the search boxes will only accept alphabetical letters - no numbers, spaces or other glyphs. However, because Gevey words can cover a range of Ramajal words, you might need to enter a number of different Ramajal words to find the equivalent Gevey words or phrases - this is simply done, by separating each word with the vertical separator, like so: jacket|coat.

This page was last updated on Tecunuuntuu-18, 527: Yaezluu-71 Gevile