Ákat objects: counting the pebbles

If there's one widely known "myth" about the development of Ákat, it has to be the two century argument between Nakap Philosopher factions around how plurals should be formed in the revised language.

Like all good myths, this story hides a kernal of truth within its exaggerations. The debate was long-lasting, and did lead to some very heated personal disputes. But the arguments were not about how to reform the plural system, but rather whether the system should be evolved from the base languages or should rather be simplified. Earlier philosophers preferred the former option while younger generations argued for the latter. In the end, the debate was bought to a close by the passage of time: those preferring an evolved option died before those arguing for a simplified option.

The pluralisation systems used in the base languages were often complex, and inconsistent, with a large number of object words forming their plurals regularly in some languages and irregularly in others. For many early Philosophers the search for a systemised basis in the roots of those languages that could explain these outcomes was a key aim in their work. Unfortunately, none of their proposed hypotheses withstood scrutiny - the best system managed to explain some 70 per cent of pluralisation strategies through five rules (one for each object gender) and a series of phonological constraints.

For a philosophical movement dedicated to purifying the very language in which they constructed their thoughts, even the best evolved hypothesis was not good enough. Younger philosophers argued that the pluralisation system was complex not because of sound change through the ages, but rather because of deliberate contamination of the root language by other, lesser languages. They argued that the best way forward was to ignore the most obvious irregularities and simplify the system as far as possible, with an aim of uncovering the ancient system through applying known phonetic and grammatical changes to the most regular pluralisation strategies across the object classes. The results of the new approach, while not satisfying any group of Nakap philosophers, did find favour within the wider Nakap communities.

Demonstrating object number

Each Ákat object can be classed as either a count object or a mass object. This division impacts on how plural forms of the word should be interpreted:

Plural formation

Object pluralisation in the modern form of Ákat is demonstrated by changes in the object's class marker. There are five pluralisation forms in the language, which are used for both count objects and mass objects: singular; paucal; plural; nullar; and undetermined.

  Object class Singular Paucal Plural Nullar Undetermined  
People á é ó ú ý
Nature à èi òi ù
Made ta tel tol tu tyhn
Thought na nei noi nu ny
Dangerous sa sei soi su syhn

Examples of count and mass object pluralisations:

Object Count/mass a form e/ei/el form o/oi/ol form u form y/yhn form
tasys count tasys
one ball
a few balls
many balls
no balls
balls in general
átis count átis
one promise
a few promises
many promises
no promises
promises in general
ýcic mass ácic
a drop of water
a beaker's worth of water
sufficient water in which a body can be immersed
a lack of any water
water in general
syhncic mass sacic
the area of sea being viewed
the area of sea that can be sailed in one day
all the seas of a given type
former seas, the lack of a sea
seas in general
tyhntexpapâp mass tatexpapâp
the floor in (say) a small room
a large, continuous expanse of floor
all the floors in (say) a building
lacking a floor
floors in general
ákis count ákis
one person
a few people
many people
no people
persons in general
ýkis mass ákis
a small minority of people
a large minority of people
a large majority of people
an insignificant number of people
people in general
nakus count nakus
one family unit
a few family units
many family units
no family units
family units in general
nykus mass nakus
a small minority of the tribe
a large minority of the tribe
a large majority of the tribe
an insignificant number of the tribe
tribes in general


Ákat, like all other Telik languages, counts using a base 8 system. The Ákat system was regularised over nine centuries ago, and hasn't changed since that time.

The following table provides details of each unit in each power range. The digits before the word are base 8; those that follow in brackets are base 10.

8° (1) 8¹ (8) 8² (64) 8³ (512)
1: hnip (1) 10: hnapis (8) 100: hriep (64) 1000: hrapies (512)
2: hnit (2) 20: hnatis (16) 200: hriet (128) 2000: hraties (1024)
3: hnif (3) 30: hnafis (24) 300: hrief (192) 3000: hrafies (1536)
4: hnix (4) 40: hnaxis (32) 400: hriex (256) 4000: hraxies (2048)
5: hnik (5) 50: hnakis (40) 500: hriek (320) 5000: hrakies (2560)
6: hnil (6) 60: hnalis (48) 600: hriel (384) 6000: hralies (3072)
7: hnim (7) 70: hnamis (56) 700: hriem (448) 7000: hramies (3584)
0: hnis (0)

The examples that follow (which is the 5 times multiplication table) show how these numbers are combined:

5: hnik 36: hnafil 67: hnalim 120: hriep-ehnatis
12: hnapit 43: hnaxif 74: hnamix 125: hriep-ehnatik
17: hnapim 50: hnakis 101: hriep-ehnip 132: hriep-ehnafit
24: hnatix 55: hnakik 106: hriep-ehnil 137: hriep-ehnafim
31: hnafip 62: hnalit 113: hriep-ehnapif 144: hriep-ehnaxix

Another example, this time using the 30 times multiplication table:

36: hnafil 264: hriet-ehnalix 512: hriek-ehnapit 740: hriem-ehnaxis
74: hnamix 322: hrief-ehnatit 550: hriek-ehnakis 776: hriem-ehnamil
132: hriep-ehnafit 360: hrief-ehnalis 606: hriel-ehnil 1034: hrapies-ehnafix
170: hriep-ehnamis 416: hriex-ehnapil 644: hriel-ehnaxix 1072: hrapies-ehnamit
226: hriet-ehnatil 454: hriex-ehnakix 702: hriem-ehnit 1130: hrapiep-ehnafis

Counting count and mass objects

Simple count numbers (anything between 0 and 63) can routinely be affixed to the object they are counting, employing the "and" modifier e- to do so. This allows the speaker to be more precise about the numbers and quantities of the particular objects under discussion or consideration. Numbers can be added to both count objects and mass objects:

This page was last updated on Tecunuuntuu-15, 527: Salhkuu-38 Gevile