
Societal ties: Balhe

Current population: 1

Main language(s): Nulim

Area: 432,000km²

Natural and political borders

Mountains surround Nuulime on almost all sides: the Zoiznajarhuu Pesan to the north; Zoiznuu Illhizhuu and Zoiznuu Kulhbizhuu to the east; Zoiznuu Kauson in the south east; Fuecuu Cohmpuun to the south; and Zoiznuu Suunizhuu in the south west.

The two political borders lie to the north at the Exile's Rock in the Nuulimuu river (latitude 23.4°N) and to the west at the Rasluu Ohnen waterfalls (longitude 172.8°E).


The history of Nuulime is the history of the Jaesconesh religious sect following their expulsion from the Taete valley in gt856. According to the official history, over 90 per cent of the Jaesconesh who set out on the Journey of Terror in that orbit did not survive the crossing of the mountains - though that would suggest that less than a thousand people completed the journey; a more realistic mortality rate is likely to be around 30-40 per cent.

The first permanent cultivation in the Land was deep in the Thakluush Verginizhuush, and by all accounts became established very quickly; within ten orbits the settlement was thriving and expanding rapidly westwards; Vahgile was probably settled in the early gt890s, followed by the eastern coast of Cebrhuu Ohnen before gt910.

Dating the establishment of other settlements, and the cities, is problematical as contact between the Nuulime Jaesconesh and the outside world has been strictly limited by the Jaesconesh themselves. It is likely that all the lakeside settlements and cities were established by gt950, with the more northern settlements and plantations following in the next 50 orbits.

As far as we can tell, there have been no significant events in Nuulime apart from the gradual expansion of the population across the Land. The only outward sign of dissent against the ruling regime has been the apparently regular expulsion of people from the Jaesconesh communities; these exiles appear to be sent north into the Froshmuu Nuulimizhuu where they have built an exile's city. It is also possible that a settlement on the shores of Cebrhuu Paldon in the far south of the Land has served a similar purpose.

Politics and economy

Nuulime is undoubtably a theocracy, where the Jaesconesh elders rule the population. From what we know of the Jaesconesh sect before its expulsion from the Taete valley, new elders are chosen from the congregation by existing elders, and power is hierarchical in nature. Senior elders are believed to reside in the holy city, Khetame.

Apart from agriculture, it is believed that the Jaesconesh undertake some mining work and there is almost certainly a light and heavy industry component to the economy. As far as we can tell, the economy is cashless, either operating as a barter society or alternatively resources are controlled centrally.

Culture and other issues of interest

Whatever the conditions under which the Nuulime now live, we can be certain that they have produced some fine craftsmen. In particular, some examples of exquisite votive jewellery and metalwork have been smuggled out of the Land in recent decades. The preferred metals appear to be gold, copper, silver, platinum and steel, suggesting that rich deposits of these metals have been discovered.

Key natural features

Cebrhuu Ohnen - the second largest freshwater lake on the continent at 712m above current sea levels - dominates the Land. The lake is deep, filling the lowest valleys between the northern and southern mountain ranges, and contains a number of large, mountainous islands. The lake has a significant influence on the local climate and habitat. The lake waters drain westwards over the Rasluu Ohnen waterfalls - the largest and most spectacular series of waterfalls and rapids on the continent, particularly in the spring when the northern hemisphere spring meltwater increases the outflow some three times above the normal flow rate.

A number of significant mountains border the Land. These include (moving clockwise from Rasluu Ohnen): Mts. Gaveluu (5,450m); Geltuu (6,220m); Avakhuu (6,040m); Illhjarhon (4,390m); Kulhbon (5,420m); Verginon (4,560m); Kauson (6,190m); Fihston (5,740m); Tolaese (7,230m - the highest mountain on the planet); Paldon (6,830m); Tighrhatuu (4,550m); and Suunon (4,300m).


Much of the Land is covered by the unique central lakelands habitat, fringed with a north central mountains habitat in the north and a central mountains habitat in the far south.

Plantations and settlements

The key cultivations surround Cebrhuu Ohnen, where the bulk of the population lives; the Vahgile Plantation stretches from the eastern shores of the lake deep into the Thakluush Verginizhuush, while other plantations and settlements tend to hug the shoreline much more closely. Khetame island, in the lake, has been completely terraced and cultivated. Other cultivations can be found in the Froshmuu Ohnizhuu and Froshmuu Merhiedizhuu in the east of the Land.

Key towns and cities

Rural population: 0 (0.0% of total)

This page was last updated on Tecunuuntuu-34, 527: Jafcuu-97 Gevile