o yis Syntax models
The following abbreviations are used in the syntax diagrams below; these diagrams are proscriptive in nature, describing the O Yis syntax for the standard language (in other words the generic Ma Ladz dialect) - minor variations can (and do) occur in other dialects, and in the most formal and informal registers of the standard language:
- classifier.tense.status.AUX-verbstate - auxillary verb
- CLAUSE - clause
- CONJ.classifier - conjunction
- dPREF - derivational prefix
- dSUFF - derivational suffix
- gSUFF - grammatical suffix
- HON - nominal honorific
- nART - nominal article
- nART(classifier).case - nominal article
- NOUN - head noun
- NP.acc - accusative noun phrase
- NP.gen - genitive noun phrase
- NP.obl - oblique noun phrase
- NP.nom - nominative noun phrase
- NP.rel - relative noun phrase
- NP.temp - temporal noun phrase
- PART - nominal or verbal particle
- PART.rel - relative particle
- POST - postposition
- POST.coord - coordinating postposition
- PRON.acc - accusative pronoun
- PRON.gen - genitive pronoun
- PRON.obl - oblique pronoun
- PRON.nom - nominative pronoun
- psPRON.acc - accusative pseudo-pronoun
- psPRON.nom - nominative pseudo-pronoun
- psPRON.obl - oblique pseudo-pronoun
- QUANT - nominal or verbal quantifier
- vART - verbal article
- VERB - main verb
- VP.intrans - intransitive verb phrase
- VP.trans - transitive verb phrase
Brackets - ( ) - indicate that the particle, word or phrase is not obligatory. Square braces - [ ] - indicate that one of the enclosed particles or words must be included; the options are separated by vertical bars. Curly braces - { } - indicate that more than one phrase can be included or the phrase can be omitted.
Common noun phrases
Common nouns must always be preceded by their article, which can be separated from its noun by one or more quantifiers. A maximum of one quantifying particle is allowed to precede the article. Oblique common nouns must take an appropriate postposition. Any genitive nouns, pronouns or noun phrases that modify the noun phrase are considered to be a constituent part of the noun phrase and will go after the noun and before any postposition.
- Xarid harf
- arid harf
- æɾið hæɾf
- nART(communal).complement | dog.NOUN
- it is a dog
- Xin rede harf
- in rede harf
- in ɾəðə hæɾf
- nART(communal).basic | many.QUANT | dog.NOUN
- many dogs
- XroN utz maav ucem
- roŋ utz máv ucem
- ɾɔŋ utʒ mæˑw usəm
- nART(communal).distant | not.QUANT | cat.NOUN | your.PRON.gen
- that is not your cat
- Xn'ni jafig ix
- n'ni jafig ix
- n'ni jæfig ix
- diminutive.PART|nART(constructed).basic | box.NOUN | on.POST
- on the little box
Both intensity quantifiers, and the negation quantifier, can prefix directly to a range of postpositions.
- Xni zlek dzil
- ni zlek dzil
- ni ʒlək ðʒil
- nART(constructed).basic | table.NOUN | very.QUANT-close.POST
- very close to the table
Some postpositions are not limited to coordinating nouns; for instance the partitive postposition can be used to coordinate verbs and quantifiers.
- Xin to diDer jer harf uram
- in to didzer jer harf uram
- in tɔ ðiʤəɾ jəɾ hæɾf uɾæm
- nART(communal).basic | two.QUANT | all.QUANT | from.POST.coord | dog.NOUN | my.PRON.gen
- two from all of my dogs
Proper noun phrases
Proper nouns must always be preceded by the appropriate honorific. The article is often omitted when the proper noun is acting as the head noun of a noun phrase.
- (PART)'PRON (NP.gen|PRON.gen) (POST)
While pronouns are permitted to carry a particle and a postposition, and can be posessed by another noun, pronoun or noun phrase, it is normal for these to be omitted. Pronouns are declined for the following grammatical cases: nominative, accusative, genitive, oblique, reflexive.
- (PART)'[HON|nART] (NP.gen|PRON.gen) (POST)
Similarly to pronouns, pseudo-pronouns can carry a particle and a postposition. Pseudo-pronouns cannot be declined for grammatical case. When an article is used as a pseudo-pronoun, it must use its pronominal form.
Compound nominal phrases
- NP (m'NP.rel) {NP (m'NP.rel) (POST.coord)}
While head noun phrases can use basic, topical, near or distant articles any modifying noun phrase following the head must use either a complement or modifier article.
- Xy Dabber nirc rebyl
- y dzabber nirc rebyl
- ɐ ʤæ?bəɾ niɾs ɾəbɐl
- nART(locational).basic | shop.NOUN | nART(inanimate).modifier | vegetable.NOUN
- the vegetable shop (greengrocer)
- Xy Dabber nirc rebyl em Deo Don
- y dzabber nirc rebyl em dzeo dzon
- ɐ ʤæ?bəɾ niɾs ɾəbɐl əm ʤəɔ ʤɔn
- nART(locational).basic | shop.NOUN | nART(inanimate).modifier | vegetable.NOUN | nART(authoritative).genitive | mr.HON | John.NOUN
- John's vegetable shop (greengrocer)
When two or more modifiers are acting on the same noun, the more specific/intrinsic modifiers are placed closer to the noun: intimate detail (size, weight, value); shape; colour; general size (big, tall, etc); possessor.
- Xnii reeNg doc tvel ac nuc
- ní réŋg doc tvel ac nuc
- niˑ ɾəˑŋg ðɔs twəl æs nus
- nART(inanimate).topical | ball.NOUN | nART(conceptual).modifier | red.NOUN | nART(physical).modifier | small.NOUN
- a little red ball
A noun phrase can take a maximum of one relative noun phrase, which must be introduced using the relative particle m'.
- Xbyv jan radim m'o gner jab
- byv jan radim m'o gner jab
- bɐw jæn ɾæðim m'ɔ gnəɾ jæb
- nART(plant).distant | few.QUANT | tree.NOUN | PART.rel|nART(structural).basic | field.NOUN | in.POST
- those trees in the field
Conjunctions do not play a role below the level of the clause; instead the role of the coordinating conjunctions is performed by appropriate postpositions, when required.
- Xin harf in maav iDim
- in harf in máv idzim
- in hæɾf in mæˑw iʤim
- nART(communal).basic | dog.NOUN | nART(communal).basic | cat.NOUN | and.POST.coord
- the dog and the cat
- Xze Dir Daan Dir maar iqer
- ze dzir dzán dzir már iqer
- ʒə ʤiɾ ʤæˑn ʤiɾ mæˑɾ iqəɾ
- nART(relative).basic | ms.HON | Jane.NOUN | ms.HON | Mary.NOUN | or.POST.coord
- either Jane or Mary
A nominal phrase can stand as a clause in its own right, without the need for a verb.
Imperative and response verbs
For all verbs, the verb word must be present; the verb may also carry quantifiers, one of which may be moved to the front of the verb phrase as a quantifier particle. The verb's article may be dropped in a number of situations. Verbs used as imperatives (commands) or responses cannot take a passive suffix.
All other verbs
For most verbs, an auxillary verb must precede the main verb. The auxillary is conjugated to show intentionality and/or success; the choice of auxillary demonstrates the status of the speaker relative to the listener(s) in addition to the veracity and mode of action. The main verb may take the passive voice by using the appropriate passive suffix. Some verbs can take locational postpositions.
Verbal phrases
- VP {VP (POSTcoord)} (NPtemp)
Verbs can be chained into a single action using the appropriate coordinating postposition. Temporal noun phrases go at the end of the verb phrase and are considered to be an integral part of the phrase.
Nominal clauses
- VP NPnom (NPacc) {NPobl}
O Yis is a verb-initial language, and the subject of the clause will always go before the direct object. Oblique objects are placed at the end of the clause.
Pronominal clauses
- [PRONnom|psPRONnom] (PRONacc) VP (psPRONacc) {PRONobl}
Nominative and accusative pronouns, and nominative pseudo-pronouns, may move to the front of the clause. When a pronoun or pseudo-pronoun forms part of a coordinated list involving other noun phrases, the whole list is treated as an extended noun phrase and is thus required to follow the verb phrase.
Clause chaining
Most O Yis clauses are introduced by a conjunction, even in the most informal speech registers.
An example conversation
- Qf'roto ze Dir Don.
- f'roto ze dzir dzon.
- f'ɾɔtɔ ʒə ʤiɾ ʤɔn.
f'roto - {interrogation.PART|location.CONJ}
ø - [verb phrase absent]
ze dzir dzon - NP.nom{nART(authoritative).basic | mr.HON | John.NOUN} - where is John?
- Xao Dir elle hiuk labu y pvarz illid.
- ao dzir elle hiuk labu y pvarz illid.
- æɔ ʤiɾ əlːə hiuk læbu ɐ pwæɾʒ ilːið.
ao - {person.CONJ}
dzir - psPRON.nom{mr.HON}
elle hiuk labu - VP.intrans{vART(outcome).perfect | tell.past.stat4.AUX-perfective | come/go.VERB}
y pvarz illid - NP.obl{nART(locational).basic | market.NOUN | southto.POST} - he's gone to the market.
- Cf'jyir di get em Dir.
- f'jyir di get em dzir.
- f'jɐiɾ ði gət əm ʤiɾ.
f'jyir - {interrogation.PART|purpose.CONJ}
ø - [verb phrase absent]
di get em dzir - NP.nom{nART(conceptual).near | action.NOUN | nART(authoritative).genitive | mr.HON} - why did he go? (why this action?)
- Xjyir Dir neke zvatta byy mein gvect.
- jyir dzir neke zvatta bý mein gvect.
- jɐiɾ ʤiɾ nəkə ʒwæ?tæ bɐˑ məin gwəst.
jyir - {purpose.CONJ}
dzir - psPRON.nom{mr.HON}
neke zvatta - VP.trans{need.stat4.AUX-intended | buy.VERB}
bý mein gvect - NP.acc{nART(vegetable).topical | some.QUANT | vegetable.NOUN} - he's gone to buy some apples.
- Qf'rib Dir hiuk luu ul illid.
- f'rib dzir hiuk lú ul illid.
- f'ɾib ʤiɾ hiuk luˑ ul ilːið.
f'rib - {interrogation.PART|timeframe.CONJ}
dzir - psPRON.nom{mr.HON}
hiuk lú - VP.intrans{tell.past.stat4.AUX-perfective | arrive/leave.VERB}
ul illid - psPRON.obl{nART(locational).pronominal | southto.POST} - when did he leave?
- ZTe hitan luu g'doc som nir yct iller.
- tze hitan lú g'doc som nir yct iller.
- ʧə hitæn luˑ g'ðɔs ʦɔm niɾ ɐst ilːəɾ.
tze - {dependent.CONJ}
ø - [subject dropped]
hitan lú - VP.intrans{tell.past.stat4.AUX-telic | arrive/leave.VERB}
g'doc som - NP.temp{past.PART|nART(conceptual).modifier | moment.NOUN}
nir yct iller - NP.obl{nART(inanimate).near | place.NOUN | southfrom.POST} - he left here a few moments ago.
- Qf'jon Dir haa tejx nior yct illid.
- f'jon dzir há tejx nior yct illid.
- f'jɔn ʤiɾ hæˑ təjx niɔɾ ɐst ilːið.
f'jon - {interrogation.PART|process.CONJ}
dzir - psPRON.nom{mr.HON}
há tejx - VP.intrans{tell.nonpast.stat4.AUX-imperfective | travel.VERB}
nior yct illid - NP.obl{nART(inanimate).distant | place.NOUN | southto.POST} - how is he getting there?
- IaNg Dir sene ney.
- aŋg dzir sene ney.
- æŋg ʤiɾ ʦənə nəɐ.
aŋg - {conclude.CONJ}
dzir - psPRON.nom{mr.HON}
sene ney - VP.intrans{believe.nonpast.stat4.AUX-intended | travel.VERB} - I think he was going to walk.