o yis     Noun tables

A table of noun articles by nominal case

Classifier basic topical near distant genitive pronominal complement modifier
(the) (a) (this) (that) (X's) (it) (Y is X) (Y has/for X)
physical an án aj ab am a a ac
inanimate ni nir nior nim ni nir nirc
constructed ni nib niab nim ni niab nias
structural o ó jol tol tom to tol toc
locational y ý yl yb um u y yc
animate y ý yr ort um u urt urc
animal in ín am ic
communal in ín riŋ roŋ am arid aric
consumable e é ej el aem pel pel pec
plant by byj byv bym by by byc
vegetable by byj byl bym byl byl byc
human e é ej eb em e e ec
relative ze zej zev em e ze ec
authoritative ze zej zev em e zeŋ ec
group an án tin ton tam ta tain taic
conceptual o ó di do om o do doc
sacred o ó xi xo om o xo xoc
dangerous e é dzi dzo em e dzeg dzec
calculated an en riŋ roŋ em en rent rec

A table of personal pronouns by person, number and grammatical case

Grammatical case Self Other
Singular Paucal Plural Singular Paucal Plural
nominative úrag úraŋ búran úceg úceŋ búcen
accusative urag uraŋ buran uceg uceŋ bucen
genitive uram rannam buram ucem cennam bacam
oblique rag raŋ buran ceg ceŋ bucen
reflexive rarag raraŋ babran ceceg ceceŋ babcen
nominal o/xo ran o/xo ranna o/xo baran o/xo cen o/xo cenna o/xo bacen

This page was last updated on Tecubestuu-14, 531: Salhkuu-20 Gevile